Social tensions among US society from 1919-1941 came about due to immigration restrictions, racial conflict, and anti-communism. In the early 1920s Americans living in the rural areas, approximately 50% of the total population) were persistent in maintaining a capitalist democracy based on Anglo-Saxon culture. White Anglo-Saxon Americans became alarmed at the increasing level of foreign immigrants arriving by the 20th century. These White Anglos saw themselves as ‘Real Americans’. As the United States slowly adjusted from being predominately rural to a more urban society, also helped create tension through US society in 1919 – 1941. Overall, US society from 1919 – 1941 had a significant amount of tension in different areas of society due to religious, racial, political and social issues of the time creating tension within US society.
Tensions arose in US society following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1919. The high level of anti-communism rose tension in US society as society blamed the unions and workers for the spread of communism. Many Americans also feared that radical foreigners in the United States would attempt to overthrow capitalism and democracy. This in turn led to anti-unionism. Unions decreased in influence as American workers under the influence of conservatism believed that unionism was associated with communism. In 1919 communists made striking gains in Germany, Hungary and Russian frontiers. This raised awareness in America and began the political movement of the ‘Red Scare’. Most Americans did not differentiate among radicalisms. They grew more frightened every day and they saw ‘red’ in everything they feared or disliked. The Red Scare and strikes of 1919 left the uneasy impression that unions and subversion were linked creating tension within society between anti-unionists against the unionists and workers. In the summer of 1919, 4 million, which was 20% of the workers, were