A newer social work perspective that I would like to discuss in this paper is the empowerment approach. The empowerment theory gained legitimacy as a paradigm back in 1981 by Julian Rappaport who discussed this paradigm in his Presidential Address at the American Psychological Association. He stated, "Empowerment is the mechanism by which people, organizations, and communities gain mastery over their lives" (Cummings pg.141). This statement provided the foundation for the empowerment approach that we as social workers use. Since Rappaport's introduction, the empowerment concept has taken shape and acquired meaning primarily through the work of social theorists, rather than practitioners. To clarify empowerment further, a great definition by social worker and professor Lawrence Shulman states in his book The Skills of Helping, "the empowerment process involves engaging the client, family, group, or community in developing strengths to personally and politically cope more effectively with those systems that are important to them"(Shulman pg.18).
Today the empowerment approach has been researched and proved to be an effective tool to helping individuals and groups. For example, alcoholics who attend meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous have shared feelings about how these peer-led workshops and discussion groups they attend have greatly enhanced their self-worth and helpfulness. The dignity to be able to not only help themselves to stop drinking but also help another alcoholic individual who is struggling as well is proved great
Links: Boehm, Amnon & Staples Lee.(2002). The Functions of the Social Worker in Empowering: The Voices of Consumers and Professionals Cummings, Sheila.(2001). An Empowering Model for Collegiate Substance Abuse Prevention and Education Programs Hamme, Christina & Peterson, Andrew.(2002). Cognitive Empowerment of African Americans and Caucasians Morell, Carolyn.(2002). Empowerment and Long-Living Women: Return to the Rejected Body Shulman, Lawrence.(2006). The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities