These behaviors include their choice of appearance, their reliability, their accountability and organizational skills. A professional person will dress in appropriate attire that allows them to do the job in comfort and maintain a respectful appearance. A professional person …show more content…
Maggie meets my definition of a professional. She is not a social worker, but has the values of any social worker. Mrs. Maggie tends to go above and beyond for her clients and for the people she works with. She will amend when she does not know something or when something is outside her field of knowledge. However, she does not let that rest she will find the answers or ask someone who is an expert in the field in which the question as arose. She always is dressed her best without making anyone feel uncomfortable about her choice of clothing. It is admirable that she has even learned seven different languages in order to best help refugees that come through her agency. She holds the code of ethics very close to herself and extend it out so that she can best help other …show more content…
When I am on duty as an intern I put aside all my personal problems and focused the completely on learning how to best serve people . When I get home or away from my internship I try to put aside problems or issues that came up in my internship and focus wholeheartedly on my duties and responsibilities as a person in my family and my community.
Challenges of balances
Remembering that everything has a time and place does not always work. I sometimes do feel that I am caring my personal problems over into my professional settings and vice versa. I sometimes find myself stressing over the little things that maybe I had done wrong in internship while I am expected to do other duties that is expected of me. I also tend to worry about issues of my personal life while having periods of slow time in my internship. I am trying to counter this negative reaction by remembering that I cannot control the