(ACARA, 2012: Draft F-12 Australian Curriculum: Geography – Year 4).
ACARA, 2012: Draft F-12 Australian Curriculum: Geography – Year 4.
ACARA, 2012: Draft F-12 Australian Curriculum: Geography – Year 4.
Geography is a structured way of exploring, analysing and explaining the characteristics of the places that make up our world, through perspectives based on the concepts of place, space and environment.
A study of geography develops students’ curiosity and wonder about the diversity of the world’s places and their peoples, cultures and environments (ACARA, 2012). Students live in an increasingly accessible world and are more worldly-knowledgeable than ever before. It is imperative that students develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about places, people, cultures and environments in their immediate and wider community, that they gain geographical knowledge of their own locality, Australia, Asia and the world and that they develop the ability to think geographically, based on an understanding of the concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability, scale and change (ACARA, 2012). The unit ‘Big Idea: How We Live’ (ACRA, 2012), introduces students to exploring geographical features of Australia, Asia and ultimately a global scale. Students need to understand where they come from and how their locality fits into the larger scheme of things in relation to the rest of the world. Environment is investigated in this unit through the study of landforms, weather and how the environment is used by different cultural groups.
While this unit of work ‘Big Idea: How We Live’ is a Georgraphy unit it provides students with many valuable opportunities for integrated learning through links with other learning areas.
LINKS WITH OTHER KEY LEARNING AREAS * English – the structure and language features of the text types students create and interpret
References: Film Australia, 1997, ‘Rewind: Money Business’, Film Australia, VIC, Australia, Retrieved from Geographical Society of New South Wales, 2013) Kelly, A, 1996, ‘Looking at Maps’, Scholastic Australia, NSW, Australia MacMillan Press, 1998, ‘Australia: The Land and It 's People’ series: NSW, ACT, Q 'land, Vic, Tas, WA, SA, NT, MacMillan Press, Australia NSW Board of Studies, 1998, K-6 Human Society and Its Environment syllabus – Stage 2, NSW, Australia NSW Department of Fair Trading, 2013, Money Stuff Teaching Resources Package, NSW Government, NSW Australia, Retrieved from Reynolds, R. (2012). Teaching studies of society and environment in the primary school. South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Oxford University Press Scholastic Australia, 1993, ‘Money, Money, Money’, Math shelf series, Scholastic, NSW, Australia Thomas, R. and Stutchbury, J., 1999, ‘Where Our Food Comes From’ series: Fish; Vegetables; Fruit; Milk; Cereals’, MacMillan Press, Australia)