Since the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) was set up in 2007, one of its major priorities has been the promotion of diversity in and through sport. To this end, the Council of Europe has developed a pan-European programme involving a variety of stakeholders from public authorities and the world of sport. All have an important role to play in reversing the discriminatory trends currently observed in sport and in promoting sport as a means of fostering diversity and social cohesion.
This collection of handbooks of good practices is an illustration of current policies and practices throughout Europe. Its aim is to disseminate and share positive experiences highlighting the potential of sport for promoting the Council of Europe’s fundamental values of human rights.
Sport in
Targeting Social Cohesion in Post-Conflict Societies through Sport
Olga Dorokhina, Milan Hosta and Jacco van Sterkenburg
Good practices Handbooks, No. 1
The opinions expressed in this work are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Council of Europe.
All requests concerning the reproduction or translation of all or part of the document should be addressed to the Directorate of Communication
(F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex or All other correspondence concerning this publication should be addressed to Directorate general of education, culture and heritage, youth and sport.
Cover design and layout: Documents and Publications Production
Department, Council of Europe
Cover photo: Council of Europe / Sandro Weltin
Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS)
© Council of Europe, July 2011
Printed at the Council of Europe
Table of Contents
2. he values and limits of sport-based social
interventions in post-conflict societies................................11
The Heart of Mostar: Social
References: Verweel, P & Anthonissen, A. (2006). Ethnic diversity in organised sport: development of social capital by Dutch immigrants Verweel, P., Janssen, J. & Roques, C. (2005). Kleurrijke zuilen. Over de ontwikkeling van sociaal kapitaal door allochtonen in eigen en Vrcan, S. (2003). Football – Politics – Violence; Views from the Sociology of Football “Racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities in sport:The situation in the European Union” (2010), published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities in sport:The situation in the European Union” (2010), published by the European