“All that we are, is a result of everything we have thought. The mind is everything! All that we think, we become!
Scientific Research has proven that the human species is the most intelligent species of all.
And what distinguishes it from all the other billions species in the world?
The choice of making their own decisions.
The ability to shape their own future.
It is a fact that every person is a unique indivisual.
Therefore, whether to be an honest, sincere human or to be a roguish, dishonest crook is but an individual’s choice.
Every person in a specific group or society is responsible for their own disposition, and their own reputation.
Not every person who lives in a violent surrounding or who has had a traumatized past stimulates violence.
Owing to the fact that there are 7 billion people in the world, every tenth person goes through the same situation. If so, why aren't everyone criminals?
Every person knows exactly how to shape themselves, he is held accountable for his own destiny and thus he establishes control on his thoughts and his own mind.
For example, how would you explain two brothers living in the same society, the same surrounding and only one of them becomes a criminal?
And as far as society is concerned, doesnt society work for the betterment of the people?
For instance, when man commits crime, does the society applaud the act or reprimand it?
When one of the two brothers start to perform criminal activities, would the society help with rehabilitation or just let it be?
Why would society have rehabilitation centers?
Why would society have drug de-addiction centers?
Centers where criminals are taught the difference between right and wrong?
If society made a criminal, how would you weigh up all the good deeds society has done to elevate the life of man?
People say that movies, fictional stories, the television infact, provokes violence and crime.