In the article “Sexual Music Lyrics Harm Children” Sally’s mother Jane said “But innocent this music is not. Today's lyrics are often totally explicit and so are many of the videos. Four-letter words are abundant and sex, quite often aggressive, multi-partner or sado-masochistic, is written about in body-part detail, and often more than hinted at on film”(Marshall 2). Songs with explicit lyrics are easily available today on youtube, Itunes, SoundCloud, etc. Explicit songs are listened to regularly by not only middle school and high school students but also by primary school children in the car with their siblings and or friends. Kids and people, in general, tend to pick up on certain words or phrases very fast if heard frequently. Jane also said that her daughter was temporarily suspended due to the negative poem she wrote and posted on the internet. Jane also said when they looked further into the poem they realized that the poem was just lyrics from a song: “Sally had just copied what she sees and hears all around her; songs on the radio, music videos on TV and graphic, uncensored lyrics posted on easily accessible websites—which she can look at, without restrictions, at any time of day” (Marshall 1). This quote shows you how kids can …show more content…
Only censoring certain parts in the music, written text, and video games can still cause disturbance to some religions, ethnicity, and political viewers. Censoring only takes out the negative words or actions in specific parts of the text, music, or video games and replaces them with alternative words or actions. In the video we watched in class about the book “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” the man decided to change the word “Nigger” to “slave” to accommodate certain people who felt offended by the word. Banning, on the other hand, removes the entire material altogether. In the book, Huck's dad (pap) is very straightforward about how he feels towards African American people. Pap feels as though African Americans should not be well educated and that they should not have the same rights as other ethnicities . “There was a free nigger there, from Ohio;..they said he was a p’fessor in a college and could talk all kinds of languages, and knowed everything. And that ain’t the wust. They said he could vote, when he was at home” (Twain 20). This quote definitely has the intent to hurt African Americans. People should not criticize other people based on the color of their skin. The way society was in 1835-1910 is very different from our society now. In the book, huck was taught that African Americans and white people should never get along and or be friends. Huck ends up helping Jim ( the runaway slave)