Cited: 1.) Adams. 1998. The Family : a Sociological Interpretation. New York: Harcourt Brace 2.) Blank H 3.) Bradley. 2001. The home environments of children in the United States. Part 1 4.) Bradley & Kelleher 5.) Brooks-Gunn. 1995. The learning, physical, and emotional environment of the home In the context of poverty: The Infant Health and Development Program Are determinants within countries the same as between countries? See Adler et al. 1999, pp 11.) McCall RB. 1981. Nature-nurture and two realms of development: a Proposed integration with respect to mental development, Child Dev 12.) McGauhey P Starfield B, 1999. Social environment and vulnerability of low birth weight children: a social-epidemiological perspective 13.) McLoyd. 1997. The impact of poverty and low socioeconomic status on the socioemotional functioning of African-American children and adolescents: 14.) Mercy & Steelman. 1982. Familial influence on intellectual attainment of children. Am 15.) National Center of Child Poverty. 1990. Five Million Children: A Statistical Profile of Our Poorest Young Children 17.) Pa Department of Public Welfare. 2004 18.) Starfield B 20.) Wilson Al. 1993. Poverty and children 's health. Child Youth Fam. Serv.16: 14-16
Cited: 1.) Adams. 1998. The Family : a Sociological Interpretation. New York: Harcourt Brace 2.) Blank H 3.) Bradley. 2001. The home environments of children in the United States. Part 1 4.) Bradley & Kelleher 5.) Brooks-Gunn. 1995. The learning, physical, and emotional environment of the home In the context of poverty: The Infant Health and Development Program Are determinants within countries the same as between countries? See Adler et al. 1999, pp 11.) McCall RB. 1981. Nature-nurture and two realms of development: a Proposed integration with respect to mental development, Child Dev 12.) McGauhey P Starfield B, 1999. Social environment and vulnerability of low birth weight children: a social-epidemiological perspective 13.) McLoyd. 1997. The impact of poverty and low socioeconomic status on the socioemotional functioning of African-American children and adolescents: 14.) Mercy & Steelman. 1982. Familial influence on intellectual attainment of children. Am 15.) National Center of Child Poverty. 1990. Five Million Children: A Statistical Profile of Our Poorest Young Children 17.) Pa Department of Public Welfare. 2004 18.) Starfield B 20.) Wilson Al. 1993. Poverty and children 's health. Child Youth Fam. Serv.16: 14-16