Sociological Affects of Child Abuse on Victims:
Victims May Become Abusers
Author: Jenny Bailey
Northeast State Technical Community College
SOCI 1020 I70
Instructor: Mr. Smith
Research Paper
July 31, 2009
Research Discovery Process I wrote in my journal 2 to 3 days a week, and most all of the entries were the same: me feeling bad for my children because they have fathers that do not help me raise them financially or emotionally, or thinking of the memories I have shared with my children-good and bad, or the worries I have about my children growing up…..until my last journal entry on July 9, 2009, about a young boy named Cody, (whom is a friend of my daughters), that has been a victim of child abuse on and off throughout his entire life, and meeting and learning about this boy is why I decided to write my research paper on child abuse. At first, when reflecting on my journal I was looking for what I felt most strongly about to write my research paper on. I was researching my life with a sociological perspective. It was a wonderful learning experience of for but after reflecting on the last entry I realized that my children have a wonderful life, even if they do only have one parent to care for them-me- and that they have it so much better than many, many other children who may even have both parents. I realized also that I tend to dwell on the negative and let go of the positive side of things. Writing my journal has taught me to reflect on the good as well as the bad, and that letting go of the bad makes me feel so much better about my life as well as my children’s lives.
Literature Review and Personal Experience or Perspective The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act- CAPTA-defines child abuse and neglect as “Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual
References: Betsy G. Brown, Department of Children Services Director of Personnel, Personal Interview, July 21, 2009. Craig, Grace J., & Dunn, W. (2007). Early Childhood: Personality and Sociocultural Development. In J. Gilliland & L. Jewell (Eds.), Understanding Human Development (1st ed.), (pp. 210-236). Pearson: Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Dunning, Lisa. Cycle of Child Abuse. June 14, 2009. Newton, C. J. (2001). Child Abuse: An Overview. Mental Health Journal. Psychology News & Research. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from White, Donat, & Bondurant. (2007). Childhood Sexual Abuse. In (3rd Ed.), Taking Sides Clashing Views in Gender (p95). Dobuque: McGraw Hill Contemporary Series. White, Donat, & Bondurant. (2007). Gender and Parental Punishment. In (3rd Ed.), Taking Sides Clashing Views in Gender (p96). Dobuque: McGraw Hill Contemporary Series. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services: Administration for Children and Families (2007). Child Maltreatment. (ch.3) Retrieved July 1, 2009, from