(Hacking 2004: 285) What this line of questioning opens up is the possibility that who we (and others) are is an effect of what we know ourselves (and others) to be. Hence sociological perspective helps us gain a better understanding of ourselves and our social world. It enables us to see how behaviour is largely shaped by the groups to which we associate with and the society in which we live that exists. Thus when we talk about “society” or “the social world” as if it were something real and alive, what we are actually referring …show more content…
Hence culture forms the foundation of social structure meaning Culture provides individuals with a set of common understandings that they employ in fashioning their actions, and makes society possible by providing a common framework of meaning. Through cultural structuring Cultural Unity and Diversity in which certain factors come into play such as; • Cultural universals which are patterned and recurrent aspects of life that appears in all known societies. All people confront many of the same problems; culture represents an accumulation of solutions to the problems posed by human biology and the human situation. • Cultural Integration. The items that form a culture tend to constitute a consistent and integrated whole. For example, societies that value universal education also usually have norms and laws about schools, organize education into a collective activity, and create symbols and share meanings about the value of education and educational …show more content…
Socialization is the process of social interaction by which people acquire those behaviours essential for effective participation in society, the process of becoming a social being. It is essential for the renewal of culture and the perpetuation of society. It is essential for the renewal of culture and the perpetuation of society. The individual and society are mutually dependent on socialization.
Theories of socialization include functionalist and conflict theory perspectives as well as three micro level approaches. Social learning theory emphasizes conditioning and observational learning. Cognitive developmental theory argues that socialization proceeds differently in the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operations stages. Symbolic interactionists say reflexive behaviour facilitates the development of the self. Agents of Socialization. One of the most important early agents of socialization is the family. As children grow, peers and schools become important agents of socialization. The mass media, especially television, also serve as agents of