1. Formulate the question- “must be stated so that it can be answered by systematically collecting and analyzing sociological data.
2. Review existing – review what other sociologists have already discovered.
3. Select Method- keep the strengths and weakness in mind
4. Collect Data—survey people
5. Analyze Data--review all that is known about the subject, and think creatively about familiar issues
6. Report Results--publish the results in a paper.
2. What is a dependent variable? (4 points)
The presumed effect in a cause-and effect relationship.
3. What is the independent variable? (4 points)
The presumed cause in a cause-and effect relationship.
4. …show more content…
When individuals are assigned to research groups based on chance, so they have equal chances of being selected for any particular group, this is called Randomization. (2 points) Randomization
7. An experiment usually involves two groups. List and define these groups. Why are these two groups essential for experimentation? (10 points)
Controlled group: the group is not exposed to an independent variable
Experimental group: the group that is exposed to an independent variable
Both groups are surveyed for reliability and are then measured or validated for results.
8. What is a survey? (4 points)
Researchers collect information or data from individuals or groups by asking questions.
9. Who are the respondents in a survey? (3 points)
The individuals or groups who answer the survey questions.
10. Regarding surveys, what is the difference between open-ended versus close-ended questions? (6 points)
In an open ended question the respondent is allowed to answer in their own words.
In a close ended question the respondent chooses from a list of preselected options and each answer is given a code or number so it can be put into a computer for statistical …show more content…
How is detached observation different from participant observation? (6 points)
Detached observation is when data are collected an organized by behavior of interest, according to a scheme that is predetermined.
Participant observation is when the researcher is very involved and observes the subject face to face daily over a long period of time and is very involved in their life so as to find out what motivates them.
14. To what does the term reactivity refer in field research? (4 points)
The way people react to a researcher while in their presence. Subjects will act the way the researcher wants them to, and some even concealing their true feelings or impulses.
15. In statistics and social experimentation there is always an issue of reliability and validity regarding measurement. Explain these terms. (6 points)
Reliability is what the results would yield from an experiment. Validity is the actual measures of what a researcher may be trying to record.
16. Sociological research requires adherence to ethical standards in the treatment of subjects. Your text lists 4 rights applicable to subjects in a study. List and explain those rights: (16