
Sociological Theory Of Divorce Sociology Essay

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Divorce is the legal separation between couples. Nowadays 40% of all marriages end up in divorce. Divorce is an important issue as it is very common in society and it affects many families, including most importantly, the children from a marriage .This commonly known increase in divorce, is leading to an increase in cohabitation. A reason for this could be that couples are afraid if they marry it will end up in divorce so they cohabitate instead. Sociologists find the increase in number of divorces since the 1960s is an important issue to society so with research they have developed sociological explanations as to why this has happened. One main explanation is the changing of the law as it has precipitated to the increase of divorce rates as …show more content…

As the law made it easier and it was supported for this act especially by Feminists as women who felt trapped could find a way out of a marriage. Feminism is an accurate sociological explanation as we are shown from the statistics that ¾ of the divorce petitions are from women, and before 1960 women didn’t have the law independence to do this and the laws .A disadvantage to this is that some people could think that there are still women in marriage who haven’t filed for divorce even if they do want this, like empty shell marriages so not all divorces are in the act of feminism. Secularisation is a sociological explanation which may be less accurate than the others as the evidence to support this is more opinion and the knowledge of people that think not as many people practise a religion, though using this explanation we do know more people were devoted to their religion before 1960s which is a contrast between now as has now a more relaxed approach to

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