The Effects of Alcohol Advertising on the Youth of our Society
Alcohol is unfortunately all too prevalent among today’s youth. Numerous youth are beginning to experience the penalties of overindulgence of alcohol at an early age, and as a result, under aged drinking is one of the foremost public health complications in the United States. Were you aware that alcohol is the most frequently used and abused drug among United States youth and it is accountable for over 4,700 yearly deaths in underage youth (CDC, 2012)? While underage drinking (under the age of 21) is not legal, persons between the ages of 12 to 20 years old drink 11% of the total amount of alcohol that is consumed in the United States and more than 90% of this alcohol is consumed in the form of these under aged youth binge drinking (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2005). Even with these striking statistics, drinking continues to be very prevalent among minors. After reading the article “Alcohol advertising and youth: A measured approach” published in the Journal of Public Health Policy, I have come to understand that the social problem that these researchers were exploring was the disclosure of alcohol marketing on the internet, television, in magazines, and on the radio that is geared towards not only adults but towards the under aged youth of our society. While the specific adults that are being exposed to these advertisements are of the legal drinking age (21) in the United States, under aged drinking takes place and is one of the main issues of today’s society. Juvenile drinking is the social issue that the researchers of this article are focusing the most on and for respectable and worthy reasons. In this article, the researchers used secondary sources to obtain information about the ways and methods that advertisers use to market and sell their products. The researchers of this article used databases that