Gender is the basic catorgary in which we sort humans into But, it is the way in which these catorgaries are represented in the media that is the issue. Masculine and feminine representations is just one of the ways that we grow up with knowing what constitutes 'good' characteristics.
Men and women are portrayed very differently in the media spotlight. Women are seen as having two roles; domestic and sexual whilst men are shown as the dominant ideal of masculinity and hold an authoritive figure.
With this women are seen in the media less than men. The broadcasting standards council survey by guy cumberbatch 1990 found that in advertisements 66 % were male and those who voice over the advertisements were also 90% men. This shows that men take authority over women and women are not equal to men in the media
Feminist anaylses of the media presented a consistent picture of the patriarchal nature of the media.
Representations of women in the media highlight the following:
Size and pyhsique sexuality Emotions
Relationships as oppossed to independance/freedom
The majority of women are mainly found in magazines. Here they are shown as ‘well groomed’, ‘attractive’ and ‘sexy’. This is an appeal to attract men. In magazines they take lead role over men and are directly shown on front of the magazines in a sexual way. Women in the media are often seen as ideals for other people to inspire to and this is the reason why many women on magazines are seen as ‘perfect’.however, this has negative effects on young teenagers who aspire to look like them.
Naomi woolf and susan orbach say that the the rise in eating disorders in women is a direct result of distorted and idealised images of womens bodies in the media.
In many of the magazines women’s roles are reinforced by giving advice and training on how to be feminine. Also McRobbie studied teenage girls magazines and concluded that the main theme was how to get a