As one of the fundamental social institutions it performs several functions to charter the needs of human beings. Sociologist like Goode, K.Davis, Ougburn and Nimkoff, MacIver and Page etc. classify the functions of family. The best categorizations of functions of family have been made by MacIver and Page. They grouped the functions of family into two broad categories i.e. essential and non-essential functions. Under essential functions they include (1) stable satisfaction of sex need (2) Reproduction (3) Protection and care of the young (4) socializing functions and (5) provision of a home. Similarly, under non-essential functions they include economic, educational, religious, and recreational and functions related to health.
With the change of time and necessity, the functions of family have undergone a sea change. The functions which were traditionally performed by the family are now being shifted to some secondary institutions because the modern family fails to give traditional protection for the aged, diseased, mentally retarded, physically handicapped