Section – 1 importance of socialization
1. Socialization and personality
a. Socialization – the process of learning to participate in a group
a.i. Social life is being learned
a.ii. Begins at birth and ends at death
a.iii. Most important learning occurs at the beginning of life
2. How do we know socialization is important
a. Compare socialized infants with isolated infants
b. Experiments have been done with monkeys
3. How do monks react to social behavior?
a. Harry Harlow – surrogate mother experiment pg.111 must read and notes contact and comfort
b. Isolated monkey become distressed, apathetic, and withdrawn
c. Can we generalize from monkeys to humans
c.i. Risky but possible
c.ii. Babies denied close contact usually have difficulty forming emotional ties with others
c.iii. Touching, holding, stroking, and communicating appear to be essential to normal development
Case studies on isolated children: Anna and Isabella
1. Who was Anna
a. Second born from an unmarried mother
b. Anna’s grandmother feared Anna would anger her father, locked Anna in a room.
c. For 5 years she was given milk to drink, when found she was scraping death.
d. One year after found, she lived in home for children supported by the county
d.i. Learned to walk
d.ii. Talk
d.iii. Feed herself
e. Transferred to a learning- disabled school
e.i. After years she could
e.i.1. Speak, dress, eat, bounce and catch ball, identify colors, build with block
e.i.2. Died at age 2
2. Who was Isabella?
a. Mom was with her but mom was deaf and mute
b. Thought to be learned disabled
c. Severely malnutrition
c.i. Put into learning disabled class
c.ii. Acceded in learning
c.iii. In 2 years learned at a 6 year old level
c.iv. 14 was at normal level and no one would know she was in her previous state/
3. What can we learn from these studies?
a. As the personal and social development associated with being a human being is acquired through social learning.