The film, “White Like me” is presented by author Tim Wise. I believe Tim’s main purpose for this film is to explain how white privilege damages people of color more than society is lead to believe. Also how damaging it can be to white people as well and how racial privilege shapes the lives and outcome of most colored Americans when it comes to institutions such as education, employment, housing, criminal justice, and healthcare.
When it comes to prejudices, discrimination and segregation of minority’s and blacks in the U.S., I believe the cause is racial profiling. For example, Wise talks about how black and Latino males are three times more likely than white males to have their cars stopped and searched for drugs; even though white males are four and an half times more likely to actually have drugs on them when they are stopped by police officers. Wise also asked law enforcement officers “What’s the first thing you think when you see a young black or Latino male driving a nice car in your neighborhood?” the officers responded, “drug dealer.” Then Wise asks again, “What’s the first thing you think when you see a young white male driving the same type of car in the same neighborhood?” and the officers responded, “Spoiled little rich kid, daddy probably bought him a car.” The fact that these officers base their decisions on an individual’s race or ethnicity in whether to engage in enforcement is racial profiling.
Wise continues to talk about The Fair Housing Act, which was passed in 1968; but the highest number of discrimination complaints based on race was in 2006, 38 years later. Wise brings up a point about how the media often reports individual hate crimes but rarely do they report on ‘systematic and institutionalized injustice,’ for example, between 1991 and 2000, there were almost one million black people in the U.S. who died because of insufficient healthcare, but it never received any media coverage. When wise says “insufficient