Their cultural capital is obtained slowly over time as they go to schools that have much more resources readily available to them, by the time they graduate high school they are in a good position to continue their educational careers successfully at a good college or university without the worries of finances. Affluent families on the North side of Indianapolis also hold a large amount of all the economic capital in the city that is, they have better and larger houses, more expensive cars and have more money in their bank accounts to readily use. Due to the cost of living in Carmel or another north side community of Indianapolis they have connections with people who hold more power within businesses thus setting their kids up at a young age to develop relations with those in power which gives them the advantage when it comes to the job market later in life. Often times these affluent families also hold a fair amount of symbolic capital referring to the prestige, honor and charisma that they obtain over time. Since kids on the north side of the city grow up in a family that has all four of these capitals and live in communities that have much of the same kids from affluent families will …show more content…
This theory states that the more often in the recent past an individual has received a particular reward, the less valuable any further unit of that reward becomes. When applying this to semi-pro football you must look at the athletes that are playing, they do not get paid near enough to support themselves so many of them, if not all, have jobs outside of the game. Over time the player who was receiving the reward of playing football longer and getting paid a little bit to do so will begin to see the cost of his time becoming more valuable and the value of the reward will