Liberal feminist and radical feminist contrast sharply in certain of their fundamental views, Liberal feminists thinking are a more reasoned intellectual perspective than the radical feminists’ position, which has both emotion and political centering in its logical expressions. Their focus is on widespread cultural awakening rather than a scholarly debate. Liberal feminists believe that there has been an improvement in the position of women and radical feminists believe that the oppression and exploitation of women are built into every mechanism of society by men for their advantage.
2. Patriarchy -Patriarchy is a social infrastructure made in the benefits of men, in order for them to exploit and oppress women and children. The idea is derived from the idea of a man being the top of the family hierarchy; the idea that men have more power than women and children.
3. Explain in your own words what is the difference between the two concepts ‘sex’ and ‘gender’
Sex refers to the biological differences between men and women and gender refers to the expectations of society places on men and women.
4. Gender role socialisation - Gender role socialisation is the procedure in which society assigns boys and girls from primary socialisation (in the family) to secondary socialisation (in school and the mass media) into masculine and feminine modes of behaviour to create the idea that such modes are the norm for their sex. This was done heavily in the 1950 where women in the family were taught to be housewives learning how to clean and cook and the mass media will encourage this through propaganda, movies etc .
5. Why does gender identity carry risks for females?
Because of gender role socialisation women are expected to be more passive and subtle, looking for love rather than sex, as oppose to men whom are expected to seek sex over love, due to this gender identity for women carries risks. Their identity