Dr. Erik Johnson 211 Wilson-Short Hall johnsone@wsu.edu Office Hours: Mon. 9-11am Jordan Rinehart (TA) 148 Wilson-short Hall Office Hrs: Wed. 12-2pm Jordan.rinehart@wsu.edu
Description This course is designed to provide a broad introduction to Sociology. The first section of the course will provide an introduction to the sociological perspective and the disciplines’ application of scientific logic and methods. The second section will examine culture, social structure, and socialization. In the final section of the course, we will explore in more depth two core interests of sociology: deviance and stratification. Throughout the semester students will have opportunities …show more content…
Course Materials The Practical Skeptic: Core Concepts in Sociology, 6th edition. Lisa J. McIntyre The Practical Skeptic: Readings in Sociology, 6th edition. Lisa J. McIntyre i-clicker
Course assignments (1000 point grading scale) 3 exams (500 points: 150, 150, 200): You must bring #2 pencils and University ID-card to all exams. Standard exam format, a combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions. All material contained in the course text, readings, and lectures is, of course, subject to testing. Final exam is cumulative and will be given doing the University provided testing slot. Assignments (200 points, 40 each with lowest score dropped): There will be six (6) assignments due at various points in the semester via Angel. Graded as check plus (38pts), check (34pts), check minus (30pts) and unacceptable (20pts), your lowest scoring of these assignments will be dropped when computing final course grades. These assignments are due NO LATER than the time indicated in