Compare and contrast Thucydides’ and Socrates’ analyses of the fate of Athenian democracy in war, of why the Athenians went to war, and of how and why they failed.…
Two of the greatest and earliest thinkers of our time are Plato, and his most famous pupil, Aristotle. Soon after Plato’s teachings, Aristotle criticized his claims and independently became a thinker on his own. These philosophers viewed metaphysics differently, and they approached the idea of reality in two opposing ways. Plato’s Theory of Forms was a concept that was defined in a different way by Aristotle. They both believed in “forms” but approached this idea differently.…
“The most intriguing people you will encounter in this life are the people who had insights about you, that you didn't know about yourself” (Alder). This quote can be used to show why the great Greek philosopher, Socrates is deemed as being so intriguing. During his time, Socrates was seen as a great threat because he tended to break free from the normal way of thinking and inevitably, people became afraid of him. Socrates was eventually put to death on account of “corrupting the youth” and being an “atheist,” which were false claims against him to cover up the fact that his accusers simply didn’t like him or his ways. When reading Plato’s Republic, Socrates is shown as being very intriguing because of: his humble ways, his Socratic method,…
King references philosophical literature and political theory to explain his push for Civil Rights within the south. During the speech Dr. King references Socrates, utilizing Plato’s work in which Socrates is found challenging the thoughts of individuals through a series of questions and answers. The Socratic Method would be used so that citizens can challenge their own preconceived thoughts in a non-threating way. Non-violence protests were a tool that King used forcing individuals in the South to think about where they stood on the issue of Civil Rights. King follows this by referencing political history explaining that no political ruler ever gave up power willingly. This can be deduced from the Monarchs of Europe to the Military leaders…
In the reading CRITO the verdict of execution has already been given and now Socrates and colleagues must make the decision to flee the city of Athens or stay and face his fate. In this conversation you have Critos point of view and Socrates. Based on Critos reasoning he states three reasons why Socrates should stay, the first two being selfish but the third hitting home.…
In the plays Antigone and the Crito the two lead characters, Antigone and Socrates, showed completely different ideas regarding their responsibilities to the State. Antigone believes in divine law and does what she thinks that the Gods would want her to do. Socrates, on the other hand, believes that he owes it to the State to follow their laws whether he thinks they are right or not.…
As I was reading through the chapters of my art book, there were two pieces of art that caught my eye: the statue of "Nefertiti" and the statue "Aphrodite of Melos." After researching both artworks, I realized that these statues…
Thrasymachus argues for the view that justice is the advantage of the powerful – that it is “simply the interest of the stronger” (Plato’s The Republic, translated by Richard W. Sterling and William C. Scott, page 35). Laws, he says, are specifically “designed to serve the interests of the ruling class” (36). Of course, the ruling class is the strongest class, so it follows that the laws serve the advantage of the strong. The citizens under the ruling class serve “interests [of their strong unjust ruler] and his happiness at the expense of their own” (41). Thrasymachus concludes that “the dynamics of justice, then, consistently operate to advantage the ruler but never the subjects” (41).…
The central ideas that two great philosophers, Plato and Friedrich Nietzsche, talked about were the reality and appearance; and what they mainly focused on is where we as humans stand between these two. Of course, regarding the fact that Plato and Nietzsche lived in different time periods, they had their differences that conflict with each other’s theories. But they do have something to agree upon; they both argue that humans live in an illusory world of our own that we think is reality when we actually are not. One important idea they disagree on is their concepts on what is reality and what is truth. Plato’s theory is mostly based on his cave allegory where he explains human’s conditions. I will explain the similarities and differences between Plato and Nietzsche through the cave allegory.…
1.1 Explain the Importance of the team having a common sense of purpose that supports the overall vision and strategy of the organization (16 Marks).…
himself, yet in reality he was not. So I then tried to show him that he thought…
I think that Oedipus was great leader and king compared to modern politician. Oedipus has proven to be a good leader. He had ruled the country for 15 years and solved many problem that people in the Thebes had. He cared about his people and their problems. Once Oedipus realized that his kingdom is facing a big problem, he quickly took action and started trying to fix the problems. Oedipus sent his brother in law, Creon to find out what causes the problem and sent Tiresias along for help. This is a one of the value of being a good leader; getting the things done as soon as possible and another quality is that he is open to his people. That shows when Creon and Tiresias came back and asked him if they can speak to him privately and he refused…
Question 2) In Book I of Republic, Thrasymachos’s states that unjust people are stronger and more powerful than just people. Thrasymachos believes that being just is not virtuous nor wise but that men act just only because they afraid of having injustices happening to them so they obey. Those who have power and control are those people who act unjust-they make laws and rules that benefit themselves, not the rest of the people. Socrates proves Thrasymachos otherwise by arguing that being just is virtuous, wise and profitable and being unjust does not make people stronger nor more powerful. Those in power or rulers make laws that are just for themselves but Thrasymachos agrees that sometimes rulers make mistakes and make laws that are unjust to them, therefore, making them just or advantageous for the people they rule. Therefore, unjust people would not be more powerful in this case. Additionally, Socrates goes on to reason with Thrasymachos that the individual in power commands advantages for his or her subject rather than their own personal advantage. Socrates makes a comparison to a doctor and a patient as well as a pilot and a sailor, where the doctor and pilot are commanding advantages for their subjects, the patient and sailor respectively. Thrasymachos argues that a just man will pay taxes on his estate and an unjust man will pay less taxes on the same size property, etc. Therefore, being unjust serves a greater purpose than being just. Socrates goes on to argue that no one chooses willingly to rule but they do so in exchange for wages because the ruler does not expect to make other gains in simply doing what is advantageous for the people being ruled. Work performed by people in power and in control is considered an art form that without being rewarded with wages solely serves that subject, or weaker person, receiving the benefit of the art. For example, a doctor practices the art of making others healthy. There are no advantages the doctor gains in…
Even though there are two main characters of the Cave Socrates and Glaucon. Socrates stood out more and the author Plato. Socrates wises man in Athens and he’s kind of a jerk. The representation of the Socrates, human nature and the enlighten figure of language. Plato trying to tell the audience that there is darkness and light. Plato dialog forms how you get out of the cave into enlightened. Socrates and Glaucon are trapped into a situation. The decisions, options Socrates make are fade towards themselves. By the decisions they compose, makes it harder for them get out of the cave; choices they made are the things Socrates will face, effect his life. The slaves When they try to run away from the situation they both face the reality. After Socrates face the realism, mutually didn’t listen.…
Socrates, known as the famous Greek philosopher and one of the wisest people around, was looked at as being a very strong willed and “stand-by-his-opinion” kind of man. Jesus, on the other hand, was a man who went through his life not by blatantly expressing and sharing his wisdom, but by making his “students” think things through for themselves in order to gain understanding and wisdom in certain topics. Based on what is known about Jesus and Socrates, two major moral figures in the world, it is hard to comprehend the major similarities that they obtain with one another because of their radical differences on how they lived their lives focusing on the way in which they were raised, what exactly they were standing up for and the way in which their lives ended because of it.…