Money is a very big aspect of life these days, but we should never …show more content…
forget that maybe it’s important, but it’s not everything. We need to have money, but there’s no need to have millions. We could be way much happier with less amount of money. Most things in this world are not buyable. Sure we can buy a lot of stuff that makes us happy, but most of those things are the objects that could keep us happy for a while and after that we don’t have anything. But in the
other hand kindness could buy us things that last forever.
Things like love, family, friends, and peace. We can live without a car or a phone, but we can’t survive without love. We should always seek things that our survival depends on it and not stuff that having or not having them makes not that much of a difference.
I always believed that there’s some type of karma in this world. No matter how long it’s going to take, at the end everyone would get rewarded or punished for the things that they’ve done in their life. Virtue is not just believing in God or believing in heaven and hell, but just believing that soul needs kindness and good to stay healthy and in peace. With staying in the right path and doing good, we would be rewarded with good things too. These rewards could be anything. It could be good and nice people as our friends. People who help us to go through everything and are there whenever we need them. Or it could be a good job. With being a good person people would trust us and give us good jobs that support us …show more content…
But as Socrates mentioned, going the wrong way is much easier in this world than staying in the right path.
As humans, being good is easy, but staying good is not. No human be was born wicked. We all have goodness in ourselves, but at the same time there’s always a desire for bad in us too. It’s not a desire for very bad things like murdering someone or robbing a place, but it’s a desire for small thing like saying a small lie so don’t get into trouble or etc. The point is doesn’t matter if with staying good we could get into trouble or with being bad we can get a lot of benefits, at the end we should always remember that as a person we should live in a way that our soul stay in peace and in a good
The value of the soul is way much more than anything else than anyone can buy it with money. There’s nothing more important than peace, the peace in our own body. A lot of people that are in the wrong path, they could have a lot. A lot of money, good house and cars, and generally a fancy life, but if we look at them personally most of them have some type of psychological problems. A lot of them end up with alcohol or drugs problems, or depression, or etc. The soul is like a blank white paper that anytime someone do something wrong a black dot would appears on it and if the person keep doing bad thing at the end they will end up with a black paper instead of a white one as a soul.
This black paper would turns us to stone. So cold and unhuman that we are not going to be able to share feelings with others. We’re going to turn to robots. Robots that are just programed to make money and just care about that. So unhuman that we can’t understand others feelings so we are capable of hurting them without caring. That’s a sad life and I feel really bad for people who live this way. I believe that doesn’t matter how much our bodies grow, our hearts should stay as young as it could. Like a baby it should stay pure and innocent.
Wickedness is like a drug, a second you are so against it and the next second we’re addicted to it. If someone get involve with a wrong thing, getting away from it would become harder and as much as we stay there we become more and more addicted. We can scape death. We can trick it somehow or buy ourselves more time with living healthier, but wickedness is the other way. Unlike death that is possible to trick it, about wickedness we’re not able too. Wickedness is the one that trick us. It would trick us with all the colors and everything and some of us fall for those and then they end up in the wrong place.
With having virtue and living a good life we’re going to have much happier life than anyone who lives the wrong way could have. We should not live a life that we do or don’t do some stuff just because we want to go to heaven or don’t care about anything just because we don’t believe in heaven. We should stay good so the people around us see us as a good person. A person who if it’s not there or if it’s dead people missed it and not be happy that that person is not around anymore. We should live a life that people remember us with good memories and not bad ones.
Our goal should be put a smile on people’s face and not tears. We all going to live once and we should use it the best way that we can and we should do it because of our own selves and our own happiness and not because of others. We live in a world that doesn’t matter if sometime is unfair at the end it will pay us all back and it’s better to be in the good side and not the bad ones.
Everyone should have virtue for their own sake. Some people think that with having virtue you should give up your freedom, but that’s not true. The virtue would stop us from doing things that harm us and not the thing that benefit us. With having a pure soul we’re going to stay healthier physically too. Because we’re in peace so there’s no stress or tension so as the result body stays healthier and in better shape.