Sin to think words no others think and to put them down on paper no others are to see…
John’s decides to confess in Act IV because he does not want his children to grow up without a father, and he does not want Elizabeth to live without a supporting husband. His personal integrity causes him to renounce his confession. He does not want to blacken his name any more than it already has been. And after seeing Rebecca Nurse, he realizes that he would rather die an honest man than live…
This great sin is the ability to think for oneself. Inadvertently, Equality 7-2521 begins to discover himself and unearth many truths that have been suppressed by the council. In my personal opinion, Equality 7-2521’s moral assessment is an uncorrupt truth that he was able to unveil. I agree with his moral values. I believe; it is not just or righteous to be identified by a word and a series of numbers, and to degrade the values of human rights. Withholding the right to think freely or be concerned with one’s personal well-being should not be considered an unreachable privilege, but something that should be expected. I believe the worth of one should not be determined by a group of people; furthermore, that it should not be frowned upon by society to be intellectually advanced, rather it should be praised. Equality learns the truth: truth is a fact or reality; it is not something that can become…
Aquinas is a well-known philosopher and theologian of all time. In the Summa question 6, article 8 talks about whether ignorance is voluntary. Involuntariness is to act against one’s will. Also, ignorance is the lack of knowledge. Aquinas questions how voluntary ignorance can be; he spends most or all of the eighth article explaining this. Ignorance can occur when one does not realize their ignorance, but their efforts to obtain the knowledge are of no advantage to them. In article two, objection two claims that sins imply ignorance and ignorance causes involuntariness. This leads to the idea that that every sin is involuntary. The second objection claims that sin infers ignorance, which causes involuntariness.…
This world is full of sin. Sin in Greek means “to miss the target” or “to miss the mark.” Sin is whatever causes us to miss the goal God has for our lives; it is anything that separates us from the love of God and of our neighbors.…
Read the assigned readings in Topic 3 (textbook chapter 4, Lecture 3, "The Mystery of Original Sin" article, and Bible passages) and address the following questions with a total word count (including questions) of 500-750 words.…
In an analysis of Plato’s Euthyphro, Peter Geach claims that Socrates commits the Socratic fallacy when he refuses Euthyphro’s first definition of piety. Socrates rejects the definition given because it does not give a formal definition of what piety is, but instead offers examples of things and actions that are pious. Geach believes that this is a substantial fallacy committed by Socrates, one that may prevent him from getting at the truth of the matter. I will first expand on Geach’s Socratic fallacy, as well as explain why this fallacy presents itself as a problem for Geach. Then I will examine Euthyphro to see if Geach is correct in assuming that Socrates commits the Socratic fallacy. In addition to Euthyphro, I will look at another one…
Knowledge and sin connect in the Judeo-Christian tradition in the story of Adam and Eve. Sin becomes the outcome in the story of Adam and Eve when they get thrown out of the Garden of Eden. After their banishment from the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve must work and bear children. Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale experience similar situations as Adam and Eve in the novel _The Scarlet Letter_ written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. For Hester, the scarlet letter becomes her ticket to go places no one else would dare go to. However, for Dimmesdale, the weight of his sin gives him close and personal sympathy with the sinful brotherhood of mankind, so he feels a kinship with them. Hester and Dimmesdale reflect…
Socrates is a well know philosopher, who has given his opinion in many topics including the one about evil. Socrate's perspective on the nature of human evil is that morality is a term that refers to the creation of and to follow the rules that govern human behavior on the basis of some idea of right and wrong. Even though you might have a different concept of morality, to him it must help humans to be able to tell wrong from right. Socrates believed that nobody chooses to do wrong knowing that they are doing the wrong thing. He has always thought that if you do wrong somehow you are doing something harmful to yourself and that no one ever has wanted to hurt themselves in no way. To him because people are ignorant, is the reason why they do the wrong thing instead of the right thing. This means that it is impossible for a…
In my essay I shall discuss Aquinas’ understanding that blame is excusable due to ignorance if and only if they are involuntarily ignorant. I shall outline Aquinas’ understanding of voluntary ignorance and involuntary ignorance as an excuse from blame. Then I shall analyse this view, and conclude that whether or not the individual is blameable can, in some cases, only be prescribed by the individual.…
Leonard Nelson in a critical essay defines the Socratic method as “the art of teaching not philosophy but philosophizing, the art not of teaching about philosophers but of making philosophers of the students” (Nelson). Socrates way of teaching was not simply telling his students something directly and having them accept an answer without doubt like most straightforward teachers of the time did, but rather to propose a question or series of questions and see what his students had to say about it. Socrates would listen to his student’s arguments and either gun down their answers or show an example, which obviously contradicts and proves their ideas wrong. As an example, in The Republic, Polemarchus is arguing with Socrates that it is the right thing to do harm to those who do evil to you. Socrates rejects his answer by telling a horse analogy which he says that harming a bad horse will only make the horse worse, therefore it is not right to do return evil for evil. With his questions, he helped his listeners realize that they lacked a full understanding of the topic they were discussing. Socrates did not teach his own ideas and beliefs. Through his method, he acted as a type of catalyst for others to search and find the truth for themselves. Socrates peculiar teaching method was radically different than those methods of his time and proves another reason why Socrates was a very intriguing…
Socrate is known for many things; one is for his theories of that people are born with all the knowledge in the world in their soul. Socrate believed that our soul is immortal and that is where our knowledge comes from and that in fact is just a matter of something jogging the memory and making us remember the information that we had collected over time. And that jogging of memory comes from questioning. Socrate gives this example by talking to a young slave boy. He draws a square in the sand and asked the boy series of questions like “It has all these four sides equal?” and “And these lines which go through the middle of it are also equal?” (Moore) The boy had answered each question with a right answer. Socrate had brought up the point to Meno that with out the series of questions that jogged the boys memory that the boy would not have gone out and found the information on his own, but when someone asked him the question that the knowledge then would come back.…
The Pre-Socratics used rational thought to explain their world; if nature causes it, nature can cure it. They tried to explain natural occurrences without the use of religion. The Sophists suspected that Absolute Truths and Ideals are relative to the individual; they are not set by a higher power, but we decide them ourselves with our own human ideas and experiences. This idea seems to put a lot of power in our hands. Socrates, the father of philosophy, used the Socratic Method to teach; he asked questions, allowing students to use their own prior knowledge to form answers, looking within to find truth. His student Plato’s story, “The Cave,” emphasizes that humans may independently take the intellectual journey to enlightenment, reach the Realm of Perfect Forms, and discover truth for themselves. Both teacher and student insisted that Man himself had to reach truth, as it is not received from a higher…
About fifteen percent of children in the U.S. are constantly absent from school because of illness, making them much more likely to fail and eventually drop out. If all schools would make everyone get vaccinated the number of ill children would go down. Immunization is very important for the health of all children. All children should be immunized before starting school to help prevent widespread diseases, to help fight infection, and expand the child’s immune system.…
Socrates said, “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” Ignorance is the lack of knowledge. A person who is ignorant does not even know they are uninformed or unaware. Ignorance is evil because it is rooted in assumption. Assumptions are always theoretical and can be disproven. Many times during the day people need to make assumptions or guesses. For example, a father who has raised his children assumes he will be taken care of by those same children as he ages. His children might have him put in a nursing home instead. On the other hand knowledge especially of one’s self can eliminate evil. Tragedy on the other hand is morally ambiguous, neither right nor wrong The Antigone has remained relevant through the ages because…