Account summary
Opening balance on Jun 1, 2013 Withdrawals Deposits + = $5,096.80 3.90 3.90 $5,096.80
Contact information
1 800 465 CIBC (2422)
Contact us by phone for questions on this update, change of personal information, and general inquiries, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY hearing impaired 1 800 465 7401 Outside Canada and the U.S. 1 902 420 CIBC (2422)
Closing balance on Jun 30, 2013
Transaction details
Date Jun 1 Description Opening balance Withdrawals ($) 3.90 3.90 Closing balance Deposits ($) Balance ($) $5,096.80 5,092.90 5,096.80 $5,096.80
10774E PER-2009/05
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CIBC Account Statement
Jun 1 to Jun 30, 2013 Account number: 88-77998 Branch transit number: 00302
Important: This statement will be considered correct if you do not report errors, omissions or irregularities in entries and balances to CIBC in writing within the period applicable to your regular account recordkeeping option, as follows: • • Bankbook or paperless: 60 days from the date the entry was, or should have been, posted; or Statement: 30 days from last date of the statement period covered by a previously issued regular statement where such period included the date the entry was, or should have been, posted.
This rule does not apply to improper credits to your account. Your rights under your Personal Account Agreement to verify and notify CIBC of account errors, omissions or irregularities do not apply to this statement which is for information or replacement purposes only. *Foreign Currency Conversion Fee: If you withdraw foreign currency from a bank machine located outside Canada, you are charged the same conversion rate CIBC