F.J. Lacueva (fjlacueva@ita.es), M.A. Barcelona (mabarcelona@ita.es), L.Garcia (lgarcia@ita.es), E.Mendoza (emendoza@ita.es), J. Lalana (jlalana@ita.es), J. Vea-Murguia (jvea@ita.es)
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón, María de Luna 7-8, 50018, Zaragoza, Spain
Abstract. SEMTOUR-Studio is a semantic Web Services composition editor developed to allow the population of the SEMTOUR Tourism Web Services Platform (STWSP). On the one side SEMTOUR Studio allows to deploy basic Web Services within the STWSP: already existing services in external systems can be “normalized” (semantically annotated, grounded and BPEL wrapped), in order to make them deployable and consumable within the STWSP. On the other hand it allows creating new virtual services by the composition of already deployed services.
Keywords: SWS, SAWSDL, BPEL, WSMO-Lite, OWL, XSLT, Grounding, SEMTOUR, Service Composition, e-Tourism, Virtual Enterprises.
The SEMTOUR project [1] took the results of the Composetour [2] project to create a Tourism Value-Added Web Services Platform. The platform has three main components: 1. The Community of Service Users: travelers who want to make a trip, who are registered with in the community and who can give their opinion about the consumed product and the Web Services used to contract the product. 2. The Semantic Web Service Platform, where services are deployed, executed, monitored and evaluated, both by the user and by the Platform (liability, response time, …) 3. The SEMTOUR-Studio, which is introduced on this paper, a semantic Web Services composition editor developed to allow the population of the SEMTOUR Tourism Web Services Platform (STWSP). Fig 1 introduces the system architecture of the SEMTOUR Platform. The main goals of the SEMTOUR project are:
Populating the infrastructure with touristic semantic Web Services: already
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