The Fraunhofer IESE Series on Software Engineering
Albert Endres & Dieter Rombach
‘giving the reader a proven basis for engineering complex software systems’
A Handbook of Software and Systems Engineering
Empirical Observations, Laws and Theories
The book is structured around the software development lifecycle. It begins with requirements definition and goes on to maintenance and withdrawal. In different process models, these tasks have different importance or are applied in a different sequence, or even cyclically. The book provides the reader with:
• clear statements of software and systems engineering laws and their applicability,
• empirical evidence that proves the usefulness of the material covered,
• unique knowledge to apply in an industrial setting.
Albert Endres had a long and distinguished career in industrial software development with
IBM Germany, with responsibilities for compiler, operating system, and software tools development. He is an honorary professor in computer science at the University of Stuttgart,
Germany; and was full professor of computer science at the Technical University of Munich,
Germany from 1993 to 1997. He was the founding chairman of the German chapter of the
ACM, is a senior member of IEEE and a member of the German Informatics Society (GI).
Dieter Rombach holds the Chair of Software Engineering in the department of computer science at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and he is also the Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE). Together, these two organizations form one of the largest centers for Software Engineering research in Europe. He was formerly a faculty member of the department of computer science at the University of
Maryland at College Park, MD, USA. There, he was a Project Leader in the Software
Engineering Laboratory, a joint venture between NASA Goddard Space Flight