Although there are numerous problems in this case, the case revolves around the basic requirements that are must for the survival of a company but which are absent in case of SDI; such issues include company's vision, mission, business/ marketing plan, financial/ strategic objectives etc. Without these, SDI had failed to sustain and is losing its market position. Though it has the most advantageous position of being the innovator, it has not been able to embrace its opportunities but is lost somewhere without any motive and direction.
Identification of problems:
Manufacturing & Production: The cost of production of the solar feeders is high and the process is quite time consuming. Though orders are accumulating, SDI is unable to fulfill these orders. The prices of solar feeder are not competitive as compared to the rivals. The Cost of Production is too high; it needs some re-engineering to be done.
Marketing: The little market research done was not enough for such a potential market of bird feeders. SDI has still to develop a marketing strategy in order to gain the major portion of the $843 million market. SDI had not gone for effective advertising. Being the innovator and holding 2 awards for the Best