In this project we design a solar seeker to follow a sun. solar seeker follow the sun and if the sensor attach on the sensor a sense a sun then solar seeker is stop automatically. Now after some time sun move from its position, then again seeker sensor sense the light and move the motor very slowly. If the sensor sense the signal then automatically stop the seeker .
Movement of the seeker is restricted from left to right for limited area. To control the left and right limit of the sensor we use reed sensor for this purpose. Reed sensor is a magnetically
For sensing the sun light we mount the photo sensor on the top of the solar seeker. Photo sensor sense the light and provide to the motor control circuit. If the light is sufficient then Photodetecter provide a signal to the microcontroller and microcontroller stop the motor at this position.
In this project we use two LDR as a photo sensor. One LDR monitor the light and provide to the controller for stop the motor and second LDR sense a day or night logic. If the dark ness is there then controller stop the seeker for searching a light. Now seeker search a light in the day light only. If the darkness is there or in the night then seeker stop the seeker for movement. To control the intensity of the LDR we use op-amp as a comparator. In this project we mount a solar cell on the solar seeker to get a voltage from the sun. when solar cell is under the sun then solar cell provide a voltage. We get this voltage and charge the chargeable battery. So what we are getting from the solar cell is display by the voltage level indicator circuit. With the help of this voltage level monitor circuit we monitor the voltage level with op-amp as a comparator ( LM 339) and display the voltage content by l.e.d monitor circuit. c[pic] In this portion of circuit diagram we show the ldr sensing with op-amp as a comparator circuit. Here we use LM 358 as comparator