*The term “sole parent” refers to a person, male or female, residing in a household as the only carer of his or her child or children. (
*A sole parent is a person who cares for one or more children without assistance from another parent or carer living in the same home. (Mitchell K. et al CAFS Community and Family Studies HSC Course)
*A sole parent is a person who raises a child/children without a partner. (Beattie A. et al Community and Family Studies Preliminary and HSC)
Single parents can result from: • Divorce • Death of spouse • Child out of wedlock • Illness • Desertion • The break up of couples contributes most to the number of one-parent families; …show more content…
This compared to an average of 1.8 children in couple families with children under 15 years.
Couples were more likely than lone mothers to have a child under five years in their family (47% compared with 36%). Lone fathers were the least likely to have a child aged under five years in the family (16%).
Fathers tend to have an older age profile than mothers, and this was observed for both lone and partnered parents. Overall, lone and partnered mothers were distributed in a similar pattern by age, as were lone and partnered fathers. The peak age group was 35–44 years for each of these groups of parents. However, this peak age group accounted for slightly fewer lone than partnered mothers (41% compared with 50%), with lone mothers distributed slightly more to both younger and older age groups. This meant that lone mothers accounted for a greater proportion of all mothers in both younger and older age groups than in the 35–44 year age group, where they accounted for 16%. Notably, although only 10% of lone mothers were aged 15–24 years, they accounted for 39% of mothers of this …show more content…
| | |Family court of Australia |
| | |Family Law 1800 050 321 (between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday) |
| | |Child Support Agency 13 12 72 |
|Parenting | |
| | |Single Parent Bible Invaluable resource for single parents |
| | |Mum 's Web A treasure trove of information about everything |
| | |Parenting Ideas Tips and advice for parents and FREE online courses |
| | |Australian Family Matters providing access to information families with children |
| | | Parenting Skills