Over the years, children growing up with a sole parent have been regarded as different. The upbringing of a child by one parent alone seems impossible to many yet over the years it has become more predominant. This argument has always been an interesting discussion point in my life. This argument focuses on whether it is beneficial for a child in a single parent household or a dual parent household. In today’s society, many children have grown up to become emotionally stable whether or not they were brought up by a sole or two parents to show them the jagged path that life bestows upon all human beings. Does a child need more than one parent in his/her upbringing? Does a boy necessarily need a father figure around? What are the roles of step parents and siblings? These questions need answers and the only way is to find out whether there’s a difference in children being raised by single parents versus children brought up with two parents.
This topic has become one of the most controversial arguments of all time. One thing people must understand is that raising a child does not depend on the basis of family structure but on the core values that the sole parent/parents inculcate in their child as they mature to adults. Children are said to be like “clay pots”, they can be molded into well rounded individuals if given the right guidance of course. I argue that children with sole parents do not miss out on anything and can be just as blessed as kids that have two parents. Children that go through sole parenting can be just as progressive with social, emotional and behavioral skills as those with two parents. More ever people claim that the only possible way children attain complete behavioral and emotional skills is to be raised by both a mother and father.
With a topic as vast as this one, it would be naïve to simply link these problems to children having sole parents. In the article,