
Solution Focused Therapy Summary

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Solution Focused Therapy Summary
Introduction The video on solution-focused therapy was highly intriguing. It was apparent that Ms. Insoo Kim Berg was a very skilled professional, and she utilized the solution-focused therapy to help empower her clients to build their own solution to their problems. I felt it was amazing that after one session, the clients were able to recognize the necessary changes and were willing to work in the direction of positive change. Ms. Insoo Kim Berg conducted the therapy in such a way that the clients were able to come up with their own strategies to create a better family environment for one another, which in turn increased their levels of comfort within their family unit.
Key Points An important key point that was gathered from the solution-focused
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Insoo Kim Berg’s style was her sense of humor and the warmth and empathy she brought to the session with the family. She appeared to be easy to work with and asked thought provoking questions that lead the family in a direction towards change. The questions allowed the family members to verbalize what was taking place, which allowed the other family members to hear and address what was being stated. “Change is constant” and although the family’s problems may have appeared to be difficult to overcome, Ms. Insoo Kim Berg provided them with the support they needed to progress (Murdoch, 2013, …show more content…
Insoo Kim Berg had a list of questions prepared for the family. I felt this was a helpful tool to ensure staying on track with the client(s) when utilizing this model. Especially, since this model does not require the therapist to look for the root of the problem, but allows the focus to remain on the solution and what works best for the client. The details of the solution picture challenged me to think about something in a new way. This segment of the video demonstrated how each family member could tell that a miracle had occurred. Each member of the family described how the different family members would act if indeed a miracle had occurred. This allowed each individual to realize something positive that the other family members noticed about them. For example, Judy and Sarah enjoyed Lou’s jokes and missed him joking. They emphasized that during this segment of the video. The miracle question and details of the solution picture are definitely techniques that I would incorporate in my practice. They have a way of illustrating how things of the past once were and provides hope for the

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