Mission statement
Our aim is to provide the Somali Community with assistance to become self-sufficient providing education, access to technology and assistance to integrate into the British society. In addition, we aim to reach out to other under-served communities.
Somali Youth at Risk Outreach Program (SYROP) provides a place for young people to meet, get together, and receive help with their studies, as well as a safe place to socialize with their peers, thereby, promoting a safe and supervised environment.
To increase community awareness pertaining to the differences of British culture and the Somali culture and promote a smooth transition into British culture.
To promote the growth of the community centre through networking with similar organizations, fundraising functions and utilizing volunteers (especially Somali refugee volunteers) to reach out to the community as a whole.
To promote self-sufficiency through workshops, and educational seminars including but not limited to; health awareness, community referrals, English as a second language workshops, programs specifically geared towards refugee children and assistance with citizenship training.
Free computer classes
Job search assistance and referrals
Business start-up information
Family crisis intervention
Educational programs (women-friendly)
English as a second language tutoring and classes
Interpretation and document translation services
Housing assistance and referrals
Community resource referrals
Notary Public
Financial aid information
Assistance in completing various government documents
School registration information
Somali Youth at Risk Outreach Program (SYROP)
Legal structure
Limited partnership
Mosley Road (tentative)
Other Financial details
Return on investment