“The impact of the internet on the society has been described as being as significant as some of the greatest technological innovations in history, such as the telephone and the motor car.”( Jobber, D. and Fahy, J. 2009) The internet has become a vast part of everyone’s everyday life. People use the internet via their PCs, mobile devices, televisions and any other digital devices. Businesses would have done research on the population that uses internet via different devices and therefore would make a decision to become digital.
“Digital business or e-commerce has been defined as a wide range of technologies used to facilitate business interactions such as the internet, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), email, electronic payment systems, and hand held digital devices, interactive television, self service kiosks and smart cards”. ( Jobber, D. and Fahy, J. 2009)
Failures and Successful:
There are many factors that influence the success or failure of digital businesses. There is clear difference between the digital business that do well and those that don’t. From reading through articles, some state ‘building an digital business is not hard yet so many businesses seem to be getting it wrong.’ (Limeshap, 2012).
To have a successful digital business, the business person would have to think what a consumer would like and what would they want if they were in the other position. A few things that need to be pointed down for a great digital business are: * Great photos. Having images in your digital business will increase the number of visitors every time. They draw visitors in and are one of the biggest selling points for an online website. An example given is Zappos. They do all their own photography of products for sale on the site. * Unique Content. The
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