The first way is to memorialize the event and what is lost. In Sometimes, the World is Cruel, Pitt tells us the estimated death toll is around 100,000 people. Even though this loss of life is horrifyingly large and extremely sad the people of Haiti don't sit back and do nothing about it. They instantly begin to celebrate the beautiful lives the lost men, women, and children once had. On top of that they will probably remember the day that this horrible tragedy struck their country, they will take this date and always remember to celebrate what was lost, but most possibly gained in the experience. …show more content…
Obviously, many people have not been through a seven magnitude earthquake except for the west coast of America. What comes with such a large earthquake is a large loss of life and large scale damages to buildings and infrastructure in cities. Even with Haiti being a poor nation these people still had homes, and with many being destroyed they once again didn't sit back and pity themselves. They went back to work trying to better their nation by rebuilding their homes, cities, and most simply their lives. It doesn't matter what their situation is, only how they can make their situation