Movie Report
A Chinese saying goes, "入乡随俗" which means "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". Environment changes people because everyone wants to fit in. In the movie “Son in Law”, Rebecca’s story is a great example of this social phenomenon. She left her South Dakota home for college in California as a traditional girl. She was shocked by a totally different culture in the city when she arrived. Her dorm residential advisor Crawl befriended with Rebecca when home-sickness developed, and he also encouraged her to stay in California and began introducing her to the lifestyle and gave her a makeover completed with new lingo and a cute tattoo. She began enjoying her time in California.
When Rebecca returned home for Thanksgiving with her blonde hair and her boyfriend Crawl, her families of course were freaked out. As one of the country’s farming powerhouse in the Midwest, South Dakota is obviously a lot different than California which just one or two out of every 100 people work as farmers, even in rural areas. People in South Dakota are conservative. Rebecca’s new changeover didn’t sit well with her farm-conservative family and boyfriend, and Crawl, this potential party-boy who has an open mind just like rest of the Californians does, got a lot nutty rampaging around the farm.
Just like Rebecca tried to fit in when she was in California, Crawl was trying to adjust to the life of a country boy. He started doing farm works: feed pigs, drive a combine, milk cows… and his idea of “country farm boy” clothes is absolutely priceless. One scene I remember the most is at the dinner where Travis gave his proposal, Rebecca walked in like a queen with her SoCal style clothes on while everyone else wore old-fashion, formal clothes and everyone looked at her like she is an alien.
The main conflict in this movie is between two groups of people, SoCal Style Crawl & Rebecca, Old-fashioned Rebecca’s families & town people. During their interaction,