This song is a very simple one with a very clear message against the war in Vietnam, and against President Nixon. It was not surprising to find that because this was an anti-war song, it was banned from many radio…
These labelled ‘protest songs’ became anthems for the American civil-right anti-war movements. His songs, and lyrics, have incorporated various political, social, and philosophical influences and appealed to the generation’s counterculture of the time.…
Senior year is like listening to a broken radio that repeats the same phrase over and over again. As an incoming freshman in college, we are still unable to throw this broken radio out. We've been forced to listen to the phrase "How are you going be successful in college?" I believe that everyone has a different definition of being successful in college. For me, being successful in college is keeping up with my grades and living my life to the fullest.…
Creedence Clearwater Revival was a prominent rock band in the late 1960’s and early 70’s during the peak of fighting in Vietnam. “Fortunate Son” was originally released in 1969 as a song to protest the United States’ involvement in Vietnam and the class discrimination in the selection process of the draft. The song begins with the line, “Some folks are born made to wave the flag, Ooh, they’re red, white and blue”. These opening lines give off the false impression that the song is patriotic and many people falsely interpret it as thus. The real meaning behind these lyrics is revealed in the following lines which read, “And when the band plays “Hail to the Chief”, oh they point the cannon at you, Lord”. Fogerty is actually saying how people with political influence are willing to “wave the flag” as put on a false appearance of being patriotic but they are often not the ones doing the fighting, instead, they “point the cannon at you”. This may be an…
The wealthy were able to avoid the draft entirely, and are able to support the war without any consequences, where as the poor were forced into the draft, to be sent off and deal with consequences. The song reached #14 on the United States…
The breakfast club has one of the most unique and memorable soundtracks of all time. Something that made the movie gave it such a memorable track and the movies “theme song”, "Don't You (Forget About Me)" by the band Simple minds. Something that the movie did that not none to many movies had done at that point. They used this song twice, once at the beginning at once at the end. The two times this song is played in this movie, each function is shown. It shows genre because the movie was release in 1985 and this is around the time new wave music (the song’s genre) became popular. It sets the mood both at the beginning and at the end of the movie. It sets mood at the beginning because of the tempo and rhythm makes…
For war and protest music I think "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival is probably one of the more popular songs of the time period. Most people, even my girlfriend who doesn't listen to it like I do recognizes this song. It's been in almost every Vietnam movie ever made (or so it would seem) and has a lot of meaning behind it.…
He states that he knew that America wouldn’t do anything concerning the Vietnam war. He pulls on the heart strings of others by talking about how the war is devastating to the poor people. He continues to use sympathy by mentioning how families are sending their sons, brothers, and significant others…
The song is about negative issues that are on a global level. In an interview about the song Butler says “It’s hard not to look around and try to ask the questions, “Does anybody see the insanity that’s going around at the moment? Is it just me, or has anyone else seen this craziness, this madness of destruction, whether through war or killing people through the economy?”” The theme of the song is about standing up for a change and the fact that…
Fogerty raises the issue of unenforced rule of law, as well as class conflict in the United States, as the privileged allegedly received preferential treatment in regards to position in the draft, as those “fortunate son[s]” who were “born [with] silver spoon in hand,” who had relation to the government or the elite were not at risk of being conscripted and sent to Vietnam. In this way, the song is a war protest anthem created for the working class who were not protected by the shield of privileged life in the upper class. This concept is built upon later in the song by describing those in positions of power who were apparently very patriotic and had “inherited star spangled eyes,” as the ones who sent others to war, and continued to demand sacrifices from others, which was the ironic extent of their involvement in the war. More indirectly, the song challenges the legitimacy of conscription, and the freedom and liberties it infringes upon. This is perhaps best illustrated by the lines: “ And when the band plays "Hail to the chief"/ Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord.” The song “Hail to the Chief” is the official anthem of the President of the United States, which was Richard Nixon at the time. Immediately following the song, it is customary procedure for a 21-gun salute to occur, to honour the President. While this could…
“Talking shit about a pretty sunset,” is a song that portrays an overall apathetic outlook on life. The listener can clearly hear the discontent expressed in the words sung and the execution in the music. Thoughts of suicide, phobia of commitment, lack and gain of motivation, fixation and illusions of a better life are all present. Through the complex breaks and climax of the song, tells an emotional story of revelation, realization and self-actualization.…
When something ongoing function smoothly, people tend to support it a lot. Furthermore when vice versa happens, people typically don't show a lot of support. The United States had won both World Wars, with that said, most Americans supported both those Wars. Vietnam emulates the complete opposite, a pointless family more crowded in controversy and fought thousands of miles away. It had all the makings to become the most unpopular American war ever. Since Vietnam did not go well at all for the US Military many people did not support the war and its soldiers. The use of Agent Orange on top of the My Lai massacre gave U.S. citizens all the ammunition they needed to wage a war to protest the actual war. Springsteen did not like how soldiers and Veterans were being…
The song that I chose to analyze is “Changes” by Tupac Shakur. The late Tupac Shakur was an African American rapper who was shot dead years ago. His powerful lyrics have impacted the rap industry to this day, because he spoke the truth. His lyrics directly related to his everyday struggles, and how being a successful African American is not an easy task to achieve. Rap usually talks about events of everyday life, and the song “Changes” talks about racial profiling, poverty, and how racism affects the everyday life of African American people. Note that this song came out in about 1996 where things were different, however the lyrics of this song still ring in the ears of people who are affected by the evil of racism.…
If I were making a soundtrack to my life, I would pick the song“Listen to Mama’s Words” by Jay Zhou, “ Father” by Chopstick Brother, “One Likes Summer the Other Likes Autumn” by Weiqi Fan, the music “Eine kleine Nachtmusik” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s and “Nocturne” by Chopin.…
Lieder ohne Worte (Song without Words) is written by the Romantic composer Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. It is a collection of forty-eight short lyrical piano pieces of markedly song-like character that he wrote at various periods of his life between 1809 and 1847. They are well suited to the study of musical form because of their artistic value. Op. 19b, No. 1 Andante con moto in E major was written in 1830 and is the first in the collection. The piece is in the key of E major and modulates from E to B to G major.…