Michael Flores Caasi
In the woods of dark fantasy
Inhabits pretty wild roses with blossoms of grand ecstasy and sweet, pleasant fragrant posies.
The thorny hands that guard the truth and hurt the prince who bravely dare
No ever single boastful youth can feel the virgin forest's care.
The purest white rose in the wild with scarlet one and blue as skies
Mesmerize glance in bushes hide
Wild roses that can blind the eyes.
These blooms await for fearless knight who’ll pick and hold them very tight
With scarlet one and blue as skies
The thorny hands that guard the truth
Mesmerize glance in bushes hide
REACTION A Shakespearean sonnet which shows an incredible lines that inspired me most. It has a beautiful lines that can attract people which is very romantic and emotional. Rhyming the lines can make the people love to read this. And also the writer thought that he can see the brave knight, who is not afraid to pick your pretty roses for his queen. It is a great sonnet makes me mesmerize and cherish it.