
Sony Slogan

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Sony Slogan
The History of the SONY Slogan.

The first version of the logo, which was enclosed in a square box, was registered as a trademark in 1955. Thereafter, the logo went through a succession of changes. In the 1960s, when Sony began to seriously develop its brand image overseas, the logo was displayed in neon in New York and Hong Kong, where it competed with famous and well-established foreign companies. In 1959, the catchphrase "Sony -- a worldwide brand born in Japan" was introduced to capitalize on the logo. This was followed by the slogan, "Research Makes the Difference."

In 1982, Sony created a catchphrase and an additional logo to enhance the company's overall CI. When Morita was shown the design for this "S mark" logo, he thought that when people saw it for the first time, they would wonder what it represented. He reasoned that a brief, catchy description would be needed to explain the "S mark." The phrase he came up with was, "It's a Sony!" This, he believed, would add impact to the advertisement. Thereafter, all Sony TV commercials ended with the "S mark," followed by a voice-over saying, "It's a Sony!" This unique combination of picture and sound quickly became recognized around the world as a unique Sony trait.
It’s slogan, Sony. Like no other, has become the company’s statement in its LCD TV line (Bravia). There truly is no other manufacturer that has put out the number of quality LCD products as Sony has over the last few years. When LCD televisions boomed in popularity and Sony led the way in developing new, high-quality LCD models. The first of the Bravia series came out in 2005 .The Bravia Engine brand uses the slogan "Color", and Sony has continued to improve them. From their 1968 award-winning Trinitron color television to its modern-day Bravia line, Sony really has a reputation and a name like no other.
At IFA 2009, Sony announced ‘make.believe’, as its new Group-wide brand message, replacing ‘’. Symbolizing Sony’s

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