With the skills that I acquired on the basics of the present technology have joined in ECIl in which I have been assigned for a project of the third layer intelligent switch NSAS(Network Security Access System). It has been developed by the BARC and was been sent to the ECIL for testing. The testing includes the detection of the unknown network devices in the network and accessing and giving permissions to the devices.
Then After that I got engaged in the active directory of the Microsoft which include the management of the users and their permission depending on the roles of the employees. I has a work experience in webhost management which include linux and windows server management .The sub directories of the web host management includes Cpanel ,pleask and some designing language of HTMl.
So the curiosity to gain more knowledge in server concepts like firewall and latest technologies implementation all these has led me to persue MS in your university for gaining more knowledge in the network administration and which ultimately leads one to the best administrator in that field.