The following analysis will examine Oedipus the King, by Sophocles. The following questions will be addressed: What is the historical context of this period? What are the storylines, as revealed in the document? What does the document reveal about the Greek notion of fate and free-will? Who was the author and does he reveal a bias? What was the author’s intent in writing this and whom did he see as his audience? And lastly, what stands out as particularly meaningful and why? The historical context of the period reveals the Greeks believed the gods could see everything that humans did and could, if they choose, fulfill such needs as food, shelter and clothing as well as wants like love, wealth and victory.[1] The Greeks were often described as “independent-minded” and there seems to be no doubt that geography played a major role in shaping that character. It was the mountains and the sea that molded Greece and Greeks into what they were.[2] Polytheism is a belief in many gods and syncretism reflects a willingness to add foreign gods into the belief system-even if the new additions don't exactly fit.[3] Fate was very important to the ancient Greeks, which played a huge role in there daily life actions and behaviors which they believed would affect their fate in life. The Greeks created Greek mythology; this was the body of their myths and teachings. It was concerning their gods and goddesses, their heroes, and the nature of the world to them. “It was God that aided you, men say, and you are held with God’s assistance to have saved our lives Now Oedipus, Greatest in all men’s eyes, here falling at your feet we all entreat you, find us some strength for rescue.”[4] The storyline of Oedipus- the King, Sophocles starts in front of the palace of Oedipus at Thebes. Oedipus is the King of Thebes, this is where the play is based around. “Oedipus the King” was believed to be written around 430 B.C, in the city of Thebes. A
The following analysis will examine Oedipus the King, by Sophocles. The following questions will be addressed: What is the historical context of this period? What are the storylines, as revealed in the document? What does the document reveal about the Greek notion of fate and free-will? Who was the author and does he reveal a bias? What was the author’s intent in writing this and whom did he see as his audience? And lastly, what stands out as particularly meaningful and why? The historical context of the period reveals the Greeks believed the gods could see everything that humans did and could, if they choose, fulfill such needs as food, shelter and clothing as well as wants like love, wealth and victory.[1] The Greeks were often described as “independent-minded” and there seems to be no doubt that geography played a major role in shaping that character. It was the mountains and the sea that molded Greece and Greeks into what they were.[2] Polytheism is a belief in many gods and syncretism reflects a willingness to add foreign gods into the belief system-even if the new additions don't exactly fit.[3] Fate was very important to the ancient Greeks, which played a huge role in there daily life actions and behaviors which they believed would affect their fate in life. The Greeks created Greek mythology; this was the body of their myths and teachings. It was concerning their gods and goddesses, their heroes, and the nature of the world to them. “It was God that aided you, men say, and you are held with God’s assistance to have saved our lives Now Oedipus, Greatest in all men’s eyes, here falling at your feet we all entreat you, find us some strength for rescue.”[4] The storyline of Oedipus- the King, Sophocles starts in front of the palace of Oedipus at Thebes. Oedipus is the King of Thebes, this is where the play is based around. “Oedipus the King” was believed to be written around 430 B.C, in the city of Thebes. A