Personal Perception of Organized Crime4.
Ranks in Organizations4.
The Soprano 's4-5.
Definitions Presented in Readings5.
Various Characteristics6.
Personal Perception of Organized CrimeThis author 's personal perception is first-hand of what she has experienced throughout her life. When she was four-years-old, she was kidnapped by an organization in which her father was associated. There have been …show more content…
She has come to realize organizations of such members today are involved in remunerative businesses then back in the 1930 's and 1950 's. It seems as time has passed; these criminals are more apt to engage in more serious criminal activity, such as sex slavery, drugs, home invasions, arms dealing, and various other heinous crimes (Mallory, 2007). Unfortunately, this author believes these types of organizations will always be one step ahead of the law because of the secrecy; one can say honor or loyalty among such organizations will continue to hinder