ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are very much indebted to the management of NAERLS, ABU Zaria providing support and the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) for their logistic support in the production of this bulletin. We also wish to acknowledge Dr. D. I. Agekpe, Head of Seed Unit, IAR for providing useful information in the production of the bulletin.
Authors Y. A. Sani, M. M. jaliya, M. U. Makeri, S. I. Sunusi and A. A. Yari.
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 Inputs .......................................................................................................................................1 Table1. Improved sorghum varieties........ ...............................................................................3 Seed sources.............................................................................................................................3 CHAPTER TWO PRODUCTION Cultural Practices .....................................................................................................................4 Recommended herbicides........................................................................................................6 Crop Protection.........................................................................................................................7 Major diseases and their methods of control ..........................................................................7 Minor diseases........................................................................................................................10 Major Insects pest and their methods of control....................................................................11 Insect pest of minor
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