1 Aim of the report
This report outlines the procedures and various social economic factors to be taken into considerations when choosing a country to sourcing leather jacket from for the trend based apparel company TOPSHOP. The report examines:
Company policies
The best countries for TOPSHOP to source their leather by compiling a comparative view.
Transportation methods (Benefits and drawbacks)
Laws and legislations applicable to leather goods
The management of money and how the process of payment is delivered
Through this research the ideal method of sourcing and supplying leather jackets will be found.
2 Company Profile
2.1 Overview:
TOPSHOP was started in 1964 in the basement of a department store and has now expanded to over 300 stores in just the UK, shipping (via TOPSHOP.COM) to more than 100 countries providing fashion worldwide. Their flagship store stands in Oxford Circus with more flagship stores in the major cities. The brand has now opened in America with flagship stores in Chicago and New York. TOPSHOP is a subdivision of the even larger organisation Arcadia. The procedures for TOPSHOP are run according to the guidelines set by the Arcadia group.
2.2 The Brand:
TOPSHOP have built a strong brand identity, and joined forces NEWGEN helping find new talent and keep TOPSHOP the most fashionable high street brand. They are the only high street brand to show at London Fashion Week with their unique collection.
2.3 Market Positioning:
2.4 Customer Profile:
The TOPSHOP customer cannot be defined by an age or income as it appeals to students, professionals and some A-list stars. Rather the TOPSHOP customer is defined by their view on fashion wanting the latest, most forward thinking trends on the high street. The brand has set up an ‘exclusive cult status’ which makes the clothing so desirable.
The average customer is someone who is loyal to the brand, they return again and again to get there up to date
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