South Africa does not have the best education system in the world for the following reasons:
• The general education system is failing our children;
• The quality of English instruction needs to be improved;
• There is a need for more qualified teachers;
• The learning infrastructure is not sufficient; and
• The classrooms are overcrowded.
Currently, the general education system is failing our students. Is thus why learners do not develop fully? So many factors contribute to this situation. In this essay I discuss just a few reasons that led to our poor education system.
English is to be said the main language of instruction. Because so many learners come from poor educated families and starts to attend school without the necessary prerequisites they cannot speak, write or understand the language proper which makes learning difficult. The teachers are ill-equipped to provide high-quality English teaching. Furthermore some teachers have difficulty speaking English themselves and are unable to teach up to standard English to learners. However, to improve the quality of English instruction, it is first necessary to make progress in the factors that affect the quality of teaching and learning.
One of the factors is that South Africa urgently needs more and better teachers. Many existing teachers are poorly managed and are not teaching effectively. This is partly because many of them have been badly trained. In addition, South Africa’s teachers are often poorly utilized. For example, there is a shortage of mathematics and science teachers, yet many qualified mathematics and science teachers are not teaching mathematics and science despite being willing to do so. Although government has increased its bursaries for student’s teachers in the past few years, this is insufficient to meet the learner’s needs. Far to few bursaries are being offered to the talented potential teacher trainees –