There are many instruments that South Africans used. Some of these instruments were mainly played by the tribes in South Africa. The differences in the instruments for other tribes were only the names and the style of playing, other than that the instrument is quite similar. One of these instruments is called a Uhadi. The Uhadi, also known as Ugubhu, is a mouth bow. This instrument has only 1 string and is made from wood and dried gourd. The way these South Africans play it is through the string struck with a thin stick, which creates a tone that resonates depending on the mouth of the gourd closer or farther away from the player's body. There are rhythm instruments such as the Rattle. This instrument is a percussion instrument. Its composition is from dried weed pods and it is attached to a limb of the legs of the dancers as they dance which makes a rhythm in their style of dancing. All of the tribes in South Africa played this instrument. Another unique instrument is a Kudu Horn. Basically, this Horn is very accessible since Kudu's were common in South Africa. Through that, it is predominantly played through out all tribes in South Africa.
Children start to learn instruments by picking it up from their parents/grandparents/uncles/aunts. They observe and elder family, and start to learn how to play by practicing with them and watching them. However, they are not told to learn instruments right away. The children must learn to dance rather than play instruments. Master drummers of the tribes play in a certain rhythm where the child must learn the exact dance in sync with the rhythm. They learn these dances in a ceremonial or religious ritual in the tribe.