Mr. Larry Brownlow needs to decide whether or not to apply for the Coors distributorship in southern Delaware.
SWOT Analysis
This outlines the strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities and threats that will aid Mr. Brownlow in making a decision.
• Coors brand is a well established brand
• Product is profitable
• Socially Responsible and “ Green” organization
• There is a demand for the beer
• Mr. Brownlow (Manager) has a personality that suits this type of business
• The product is viewed as a quality product
• Time constraint
• Insufficient funds for an entire feasibility study
• Pressures of his studies
• To be the owner of a successful business
• There is a market for the beer
• Competition from similar beers that are already in the market
• Competition from substitute products
• Negative Attitude of some consumers to Coors’ corporate management
• The product is viewed as a social ill
There are a number of alternative options available to Mr. Brownlow, he may;
1. Drop out of graduate school and conduct the study himself.
2. Invest his trust fund.
3. Continue with school and employ the services of Manson and Associates to conduct the feasibility research.
If Mr. Brownlow chooses to drop out of graduate school and conduct his own study he may be able to realise cost savings. However, owing to his inexperience in this field the quality of the study may be compromised. Dropping out of school will also give him the valuable time that is needed for him to analyse and determine what relevant information is needed therefore enabling him to make the proper decisions. By doing so, however, Larry would be forgoing his goal of achieving his MBA at this time when he has already invested time and money into achieving this. If Larry invests his trust fund income he would not only have his income but would earn additional