Enrolment No.
12BSP1240 12BSP1322 12BSP1356 12BSP1364
Sonam Hemdev Abhijeet Tare Nipun Vaidya Varun Nair
Submitted to: Prof. Swaha Shome.
The South Korean Economy TABLE OF CONTENTS
Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Content Project Abstract Introduction to South Korea Government Spending Consumption Investment Exports Imports Fiscal Policies & Deficits Monetary Policies Foreign Exchange Trade Policies Unemployment Conclusion Bibliography Page Numbers 2 3 6 7 9 10 12 13 17 21 22 24 26 27
The South Korean Economy ABSTRACT
The purpose of this project is to study the various facets of the South Korean Economy and thereby analyse through various indicators the current economic condition. Also the project aims at understanding how monetary policy, fiscal policy and trade policy have been used to control various macroeconomic parameters and how they have impacted the economy and played a crucial role in the development and performance of the economy of South Korea as a whole. The stress of this project would however remain on better understanding of Macroeconomic concepts and thereby linking them as and when necessary to support a claim or point out the flaws in the policies if any.
The South Korean Economy Introduction to South Korea
South Korea, also called the Republic of Korea is surrounded by China in the west, Japan in the east, the Korea Strait in the south and North Korea in the north. The total land area of South Korea is 99,392 square km. and has a population of 50 million. The capital and largest city of the country is Seoul. South Korea is a Presidential Republic and one of the developed countries with a very high standard of living. The national currency is South Korean Won (KRW) issued by The Bank of Korea since June 12, 1950. The South Korean Won is not regulated by any governing body, but determined by the demand and supply dynamics in the market. It is Asia 's
Bibliography: www.imf.org www.worldbank.org www.tradingeconmics.com www.credit-suisse.com www.tax-news.com www.korea4expats.com www.bok.or.kr www.bloomberg.com www.google.com www.cia.gov www.wto.org www.wikipedia.com 4 research papers from Seoul national university 27