Cited: /b><br><li>Gans Curtis "1994 Congressional Elections: An Analysis Realignment and Dealignment"(<a href=""></a>)(10-31-97)<br><li>Southern Regional Council "Motor Voter May be the key" (<a href=""></a>). (11-3-97)<br><l>World Media Live "Election Results and History" (<a href=""></a>) (11-2-97)<br><li>Voter Research and Surveys, New York Times, November 5, 1992, p.b9<br><li>Wayne, Stephen. <a href="" >The Road to the Whitehouse<IMG border=0 alt=icon width=1 height=1 src="" ></a>. New York, St Martins Press 1984.<br><li>Wattenburg, Martin and Edwards, George, and Lineberry, Robert. Government in America . 3rd ed., New York, Addison-Wesly Educational Publishers inc. 1997.<br><li>Black, Merle and Kovenock, David and Reynolds, William. <a href="" >Political Attitudes in the Nation & the States<IMG border=0 alt=icon width=1 height=1 src="" ></a>. University North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute for Research in Social Science. 1974<br><li>Mulcahy, Kevin and Katz, Richard. <a href="" >America Votes: What You Should Know About Elections Today<IMG border=0 alt=icon width=1 height=1 src="" ></a>. New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1976.<br><li>U.S. News & World Report Politics Inside and Out Washington D.C., U.S. News and World Report. 1970
Cited: /b><br><li>Gans Curtis "1994 Congressional Elections: An Analysis Realignment and Dealignment"(<a href=""></a>)(10-31-97)<br><li>Southern Regional Council "Motor Voter May be the key" (<a href=""></a>). (11-3-97)<br><l>World Media Live "Election Results and History" (<a href=""></a>) (11-2-97)<br><li>Voter Research and Surveys, New York Times, November 5, 1992, p.b9<br><li>Wayne, Stephen. <a href="" >The Road to the Whitehouse<IMG border=0 alt=icon width=1 height=1 src="" ></a>. New York, St Martins Press 1984.<br><li>Wattenburg, Martin and Edwards, George, and Lineberry, Robert. Government in America . 3rd ed., New York, Addison-Wesly Educational Publishers inc. 1997.<br><li>Black, Merle and Kovenock, David and Reynolds, William. <a href="" >Political Attitudes in the Nation & the States<IMG border=0 alt=icon width=1 height=1 src="" ></a>. University North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute for Research in Social Science. 1974<br><li>Mulcahy, Kevin and Katz, Richard. <a href="" >America Votes: What You Should Know About Elections Today<IMG border=0 alt=icon width=1 height=1 src="" ></a>. New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1976.<br><li>U.S. News & World Report Politics Inside and Out Washington D.C., U.S. News and World Report. 1970