The paper is about how the airline company named as the Southwest Airlines has been able to cater to the needs of the customers while still holding a greater market share in the Airline industry specifically during the economic crises phase.…
The main reasons for the success of Southwest Airlines are three fold, with CEO Gary Kelly, co-founder and board chairman Herbert D. Kelleher, and president Colleen Barrett, core competencies, and corporate culture as its base. This includes their company values; concern, respect, and caring for their employees and customers - to define it. (BCLC SOUTHWEST AIRLINES, 2006)…
Due to the economic crisis, fuel prices, and act of god environmental crisis, airline industries have suffered in the last ten years. However, these major threats do not seem to threaten Southwest Airlines. In fact, Southwest has been achieving consistent annual profitability for 38 consecutive years. (“Annual Report,” 2010)…
Tanner, J., & Raymond, M.A. (2010). Principles of Marketing. Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge, Inc.…
Southwest Airlines employed many strategies over the years with their fist strategy being ads run in the media. Southwest airlines utilized a number of campaigns including skimpily clad flight hostesses, free in-flight alcoholic beverages and a “Love” campaign using the tag line “Now There’s Somebody Else Up There Who Loves You” in an effort to attract passengers. (Leavenworth) Southwest Airlines developed a ground crew turnaround plan that allowed them to add additional flights without the high expense of new plane purchases, even today their turnaround time is nearly half that of other commercial airlines. The idea of CEO Lamar Muse for system wide on-peak/off-peak pricing increased their passenger count and eventually became a standard across the airline industry. The company moved flights from an intercontinental airport where they were losing money to an abandoned airport with a closer vicinity to downtown destinations which doubled passenger traffic. In an attempt to fill empty seats, Southwest slashed its regularly priced fare in half, ran an ad against a competitor implying they were trying to run them out of business, and then offered complementary alcohol or ice buckets for those flying under the original fare price.…
In this report I am going to talk about Southwest Airlines. I will discuss the culture of Southwest Airlines, and how it is displayed. I will talk about the traits and skills Gary Kelly possesses that make him an effective leader. I will also identify Southwest Airlines core competencies.…
As Southwest continues expanding, it is important that they maintain the low cost structure that has made them so successful historically. As larger and more congested destinations are added to Southwest’s routes, they must focus on customer service as the on-time arrivals and other metrics are certain to deteriorate. Additionally, in order to protect from volatile fuel prices, it would be prudent to expand the fuel-efficiency of the fleet by capitalizing on Boeing’s most recent advances. Southwest must also maintain its position as the “hassle-free” low-cost carrier, with more subtle method of collecting additional fees than checked baggage and reservation changes.…
Many companies allow their competitors to set guidelines of their strategic thinking. They compare their strengths and weaknesses with strengths and weaknesses of their competitors. After, they begin to focus on building products that are better than the original products. This type of thinking opens the door for disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation has proven time after time to have an advantage in developing creatively through the theories of innovation. Disruptive innovation created an advantage over the competition when a plan was developed correctly. Companies are developed with the goal of success in mind. In order to do so, these same companies must be willing to adhere to its main focus and not focus on its competitors. “One of the most striking findings of our research is that despite the profound impact of a company’s strategic logic, that logic is often not articulated. And because it goes unstated and unexamined, a company does not necessarily apply a consistent strategic logic across its businesses” (Kim & Mauborgne, 2004). Companies often lose focus of their overall goal causing failure. In today’s times, companies need to develop a strategy that keeps focus on themselves and not the competitor. Due to shared innovation, disruptive innovation has opened many doors of many different areas of strategic thinking.…
Southwest Airlines is part of an oligopoly. An oligopoly is defined as an instance where there are only a small number of producers in a market; due to the small numbers, if one company changes their prices of their goods or services, the others will do the same in order to keep it competitive. Running as an oligopoly can be both helpful and painful for the consumer. For instance, Southwest Airlines has set prices they have for certain flights to certain locations. They will run these prices as long as they competitively can. The price will differ slightly due to economic conditions, i.e. fuel costs, but for the most part, the only real variations show up during high…
Southwest Airlines has two statements declaring their mission. “The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit.”…
Disruptive innovation has a proven advantage to foster creativity through innovation and the ability to cultivate a sustainable and competitive advantage over the competition when properly strategized. An important factor in determining long-term success is not just reacting to economic trends, but rather a willingness to persevere and sustain the company’s focus. Through the development of a plan that focuses on creating value for the customers needs, managing risks, and operating more efficiently (Harris, 2008), management teams are tasked with an achievable baseline to develop a competitive advantage.…
Every business has a CEO who deals with the everyday lifestyle of being the boss. Have you ever wondered how many people who work as the CEO of a company because it was always something they wanted to do? For those of you who said yes, think again. The CEO of Southwest Airlines, Gary Kelly, never had aspirations of being a CEO to a company as large as Southwest Airlines. There are a few founding principles: keep costs down through fast turn-around time at the gate, fly all the same planes (737s) so that parts and maintenance costs are reduced, treat customers like queens and kings and treat employees even better than the customers. (Smith)…
Illustrate the meaning of “Sustainable Competitive Advantage”. What was the main strategy adopted by Southwest Airlines that made it successful in the airline industry?…
In order to remain afloat in this ever changing market, companies must have a sound proof strategy. According to Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble and Strickland, a company’s strategy is its action plan for outperforming its competitors and achieving superior profitability. (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble and Strickland p. 4) One well known strategy or theory of many companies is a term called disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation was coined by Clayton Christensen. It explains the process of a product or service preliminary application initiating from the bottom of the market that replaces an already established product or service. (????) This theory has created a significant impact on management practices in all types of industries. It has created debates of how “executives and managers are in need of research that will elevate the pursuit of successful innovations from a gut-level, intuition-driven art to something more closely resembling a science based on repeatable processes with predictable results.” (Raynor, p. 27) In doing so, it has also created a sense of conflict between entrants, incumbents and disrupters to see which organization will remain the top supplier.…
Innovations are disruptive to incumbents because they dramatically disrupt the current market compared to sustaining innovation that does not affect the market. One interesting point is that disruptive innovations per se. do not have to be disruptive, depending on the diffusion pattern of the new product [25]. Christensen et al. [5] thus sees disruptive innovation in the form of “Catalytic Innovation” to be a solution to problems that calls for a social change. The interesting thing with disruptive innovation is that like radical innovation it does not have to more or less totally eradicate other innovations, e.g. Amazon’s disruptive business model has not eradicated old-fashioned…