In the year of 1979, after helping to establish and maintain a communist government in this nation, the Soviet Union engaged in a bloody war with the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, or the DRA (Unknown Author. (Unknown Date). Encyclopedia: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Retrieved April 4, 2004 from the World Wide Web: This 10 year conflict caused massive amounts of destruction and mayhem for the country, but in the end was a military disaster (Unknown Author. (Unknown Date). Encyclopedia: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Retrieved April 4, 2004 from the World Wide Web: The damage suffered by the Soviet Union was irreparable, both militarily and politically. This researcher will prove in the following text that the Soviets' decision to invade the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was a grave error in judgment, and ultimately helped lead the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic to its downfall. In fact, this war has been described as "the pebble which this exhausted sick man stumbled on and fell." (Moshref, R. (Date Unknown). The roll of Afghanistan in the fall of the USSR. Retrieved April 13. 2004 from the World Wide Web: First of all, as this researcher has stated in the previous paragraph, the Soviet Invasion of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was, in the end, a failure. Due to this, the government of the USSR was forced to spend enormous amounts of money to support the war, which was completely wasted. Some very important events lead up to the Soviets' beginning this invasion before they became directly involved. Very shortly before their invasion, in April 1978, a military coup occurred, taking the current head of state, Mohammed Daoud Khan, out of power (he was killed during this takeover). The People's
In the year of 1979, after helping to establish and maintain a communist government in this nation, the Soviet Union engaged in a bloody war with the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, or the DRA (Unknown Author. (Unknown Date). Encyclopedia: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Retrieved April 4, 2004 from the World Wide Web: This 10 year conflict caused massive amounts of destruction and mayhem for the country, but in the end was a military disaster (Unknown Author. (Unknown Date). Encyclopedia: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Retrieved April 4, 2004 from the World Wide Web: The damage suffered by the Soviet Union was irreparable, both militarily and politically. This researcher will prove in the following text that the Soviets' decision to invade the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was a grave error in judgment, and ultimately helped lead the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic to its downfall. In fact, this war has been described as "the pebble which this exhausted sick man stumbled on and fell." (Moshref, R. (Date Unknown). The roll of Afghanistan in the fall of the USSR. Retrieved April 13. 2004 from the World Wide Web: First of all, as this researcher has stated in the previous paragraph, the Soviet Invasion of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was, in the end, a failure. Due to this, the government of the USSR was forced to spend enormous amounts of money to support the war, which was completely wasted. Some very important events lead up to the Soviets' beginning this invasion before they became directly involved. Very shortly before their invasion, in April 1978, a military coup occurred, taking the current head of state, Mohammed Daoud Khan, out of power (he was killed during this takeover). The People's